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Makes the perfect birthday gift!
Today is Mina's birthday! She and her family decide to bake a delicious cake to share with all her friends at her upcoming party. Learn useful vocabulary and everyday dialog in this easy-to-read bilingual Chinese book.
This book is also available in two more editions:
Available Formats: Paperback, Kindle eBook
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Reading Age: Ages 2 to 6
Available Formats: Paperback, Kindle eBook
Print length: 27 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.07 x 8.5 inches
🌎 Available worldwide! If your country has Amazon, use this ISBN to search for the book
Cantonese Hardcover: 979-8891110236 / 9798891110236 / 979-8-89111-023-6
Bilingual Cantonese
ISBN-13 (Paperback): 979-8891110236
ASIN (Paperback): B0DVCFLD29
ASIN (Kindle eBook): B0DVBZ7YW3
Item Weight (Paperback): 3.21 ounces